One’s hairstyle projects one’s status. Female hair telegraphs availability. Certain styles indicate “not yet: this wearer is too young to bear children.” Early communication was often about a female’s ability to carry offspring.
Read More“Meow” is just another name for “cat”
Jennifer Ball Soochow University, Suzhou, China Email: [email protected] How to cite this paper: Ball, J. (2019). “Meow” Is Just Another Name for “Cat”. Open…
Read MoreThe Role of the “Groove” 卯 Character in Chinese Writing: 69 characters and 22 definitions
by Jennifer Ball and Xu ChaoUsing a Hanzi substructure-search engine designed by Xu Chao and Jennifer BallNov. 11, 2018 Semantic Breakdown of Raw Data…
Read MoreThe Role of the “Youth/Essence” 青/靑 Character in Chinese Writing
byJennifer Ball and Xu ChaoUsing a Hanzi substructure-search engine designed by Xu Chao and Jennifer BallNov. 11, 2018 Thanks to Chinese Text Project, Wiktionary,…
Read MoreAre Jiahu Symbols Writing? Probably
In Chinese, a common type of sentence is four characters; this four-character sentence is known as a “chengyu” 成语. A chengyu is not dissimilar…
Read MoreDuh, I own it: Possession is Universal
的 de (no tone) = of (possessive), target, bull’s eye Portraying ownership was one of the first usages of writing. “This is mine” was…
Read MoreHair as a Medium for Communication
One’s hairstyle projects one’s status. Female hair telegraphs availability. Certain styles indicate “not yet: this wearer is too young to bear children.” Early communication was often about a female’s ability to carry offspring.
Read More乳房,阴道以及工具: 对英语字母系统的思考
Read MoreThe shape of the letter “V” means “female” in three different cultures and times
The shape of the letter “V” means “female” in three different cultures and times: Discovered by Denise Schmandt-Besserat, this first character is a Neolithic…
Read MoreThe Chinese word for “heart” 心 comes from a penis
Precursors of 心 from The penis is the real source of male emotion. The precursors of 姦 “adultery, wicked, debauchery” make it clear…
Read MorePrototype for a Substructure – Searchable Database of Hanzi
Let’s say you wanted to find all incidents of 卯 in every Chinese character, which right now you cannot. You would take a cursor…
Read MoreBreasts, Vaginas, and Tools: Musings on the roots of our alphabet
If you want to describe something to someone, but neither of you speak the same language, drawing a picture is the simplest way to…
Read MoreMaggie Li’s Speech: When Socrates Meets Confucius
Maggie Li, whose real name is pronounced “Lee Chee” (Li Qi is the pinyin) is a friend and student of mine who came in…
Read More我的猪”Sporky”的故事
我最好的朋友:撒泼 包珍妮(Jennifer Ball) 著 李琪(Maggie Li) 译 由于我还没有做好要孩子的准备,我就买了一只宠物猪;撒泼满足了我的要求——弱小,要人照顾,但是却不需要上大学,或者专门为他腾出家庭谈话的时间。我思忖着,如果宠物猪计划失败的话,至少还可以“饱餐一顿”,但对孩子就不适用了。 但后来我发现,养猪场的场主对我隐瞒了许多关于袖珍猪的“习性”,比如他拱东西的习惯。仔细想一想的话,也许大多数人都会记起来,猪确实是会拱地的;但是单单“拱”这个字已经无法完全表现出猪对这种行为的狂热程度了。和我一样的“养猪新手”会理所当然地认为只有法国的“松露猪”才会那样去翻开泥土寻找松露。事实上,在买猪之前我甚至做了很多“功课”(老公强迫我的)——我坐在摊开的百科全书前,记录下猪最喜爱的食物(偏爱的烹调方法),最舒服的抓痒的地方等等,但却没有一处提及他们拱东西的习惯。现在看来,鉴于我们厨房中的地皮裸露大半的情况,这一条习性非常有必要被记录下来。 后来我们也收到了养猪场寄来的一些“养猪指南”,但其中也没有一条是关于猪会宣称自己的“领地”这一点的。或许是因为比起乔治亚,“领地”这个词在圣地亚哥已经不需要再专门说明了吧。直到后来,有一位朋友向我谈起她与家人在周末度假时差点收到一张罚单的经历时,我才意识到这个词的含义。我知道她们是在沙漠里过的周末——我觉得沙漠又遥远又荒凉,不太会吸引有钱有势的人前往,于是我就问她发生了什么。 “噢,事情是这样的,有一群警察乘着直升机飞过,但我的爸爸却告诉他们,他们侵入了私人领空,最好现在离开。” 我的词典里面没有“私人领空”这个概念,因为我要腾出空间给“电动工具”,“粪便肥料”和“高能猪粮”(撒泼的推荐口粮)等词语。我觉得这些词语才能够立刻抓住人们的注意力,喜剧演员们也喜欢使用这些词——我曾与一个喜剧演员约过会,所以我知道这一点。 我这位朋友的父亲是一家微芯片公司的创始人之一,非常富有。在我看来,这样的人在说出“私人领空”这样的词语时从来都是理直气壮的。 “那你最终被开罚单了吗?”我问道,其实并不是想催她。 “他们准备因为我们骑了四驱摩托而给我们一张罚单。” 我立刻想到三轮车是已经被取缔了的,但是四驱摩托应该是形似三轮车的机动车辆,并且理论上来说,四个轮子也可以使它行驶起来更稳定些。 “骑四驱摩托也要被开罚单吗?” 她用充满厌恶的口吻回答:“我们当时正骑着摩托经过一个国家公园,所以他们很生气。” “这是违法的吗?”我随口问道。 “他们最近刚将其定为违法。” “为什么要这样做呢?” “噢,因为他们认为这种行为会侵蚀土地。” “真的会吗?” “当然不会!一旦下雨,所有的轮胎辙痕就都会被冲刷掉的。”…
Read MoreA video I made for my Soochow University Nanotech English Spring 2013 students:
My wonderful students
Read MoreChinese Quadruple Radicals Provide New Insight Into the Meaning of Singular Words
By Jennifer Ball and Maggie Li (李琪) Quadruple radicals are not common, but they do give a sense of what one character means if…
Read MoreChinese Triple Radicals Tells You a Lot About the Culture that Created Them
If one radical means X, three radicals should mean 3X, so studying triple radicals, even if some are archaic, tells you a lot about…
Read MoreSeal-Ovum-“gp”-Shaped Analysis
卵 ovum – luan3 (leon2 leon5 lo5) 孵 hatch, sit on eggs – fu1 (fu1) 㲉 eggshells – kai4 ke2 (dik1 hok3) 毈 fertile eggs;…
Read MoreFemale substructures (乃,丫,丑,母,etc.) in Chinese script
Females in Chinese Script by Jennifer Ball © February 16, 2011 Why is “Y” at the end of our alphabet? Because the shape of…
Read More4 = West = Wine
A Structural Analysis of Written Chinese The book Reading and writing Chinese: a guide to the Chinese writing system, the student’s 1,020 list, the…
Read MoreCAVes and VAGinas are the same concept in Chinese
Mandarin II Berkeley Extension – Class 2 – Feb. 6, 2012 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Homework: Workbook, pages 52-53. Make a copy…
Read More“Slave Girl” in Chinese and “female” in Sumerian are oddly alike
丫= “slave girl” in Chinese = “woman” in Sumerian This similarity should make you think about the alphabet’s letter Y. It starts words…
Read MoreInteresting Chinese Characters #6: To Shoot; To Spurt
㢩 to shoot; to spurt, (same as 的) target for archery di4 ( Cantonese: dik1 dim3 tiu4) 的 = of, “de” in Chinese and…
Read MoreInteresting Chinese Characters #4 and #5: Cunning involves holding something in one’s mouth
刁 tricky, sly, crafty, cunning diao1 (diu1) 叼 holding in mouth diao1 (diu1) In order to be cunning, what do you suppose one…
Read MoreInteresting Chinese Character #3: Ghost of One Devoured by Tiger
倀/伥 Ghost of one devoured by tiger; groping; rash; reckless Pinyin: chang1 Cantonese: coeng1, zaang1 伥
Read MoreInteresting Chinese Characters #2: “Profundity”: you know this has to mean “sex”—in the form of a harem
㽎 The profundity of the harem, the mysterious and profound of the forbidden palace, the flourishing and exuberant of the flame. Pinyin: dǎn tán.…
Read MoreTarte de la vaca
Ms Lin’s corrections: The equivalent symbol for $ (US dollars) to yuan 元 is ¥ yuan 元 is the same as ¥ ¥ Renminbi…
Read MoreGrain has symbolic meaning in China
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension Class – 11 – Nov. 22, 2011 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau Homework: Menu Include:Name of…
Read MoreThe word for “Eat” looks a lot like a head
Mandarin I – Berkeley Extension – Class 10 Nov. 15, 2011 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau 餐厅 can1 ting1 =…
Read MoreThe sound “be” means “vagina” in Chinese. To be or not to be: up to the vagina
Mandarin Uncensored In which we discover that the worst word in English is the same part of the female body as the worst word…
Read MoreWhy is “woman”女 in the character for “Japanese”倭? Is this an insult?
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension Class 8 Nov. 1, 2011 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau Homework for next class 11/8: Lesson…
Read MoreNow we know why they have to be funny…
Clowns have breasts but no milk by Jennifer Ball 笨 笑 哭 Meaning: foolish laugh cry Characteristics crinkly eyes, funny face crinkly eyes, open…
Read MoreInteresting Chinese Characters #1: Mythical Animal that Eats Its Mother
獍 A mythical animal that eats its mother when it is born; Manchurian tiger. Pinyin: jing4. Cantonese: ging3. Very few animals eat their mothers; occasionally some insects and…
Read MorePuyi had a wet nurse (not shown) until age 14
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension Class 7 Oct. 18, 2011 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau Test 11/1 (next class): Comprehensive –…
Read MoreYou say “gege,” I say “gugu”; you’re Chinese, I’m Akkadian, and we’re both talking about virgins
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension – Class 6 – Oct. 11, 2011 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau “Ge ge” (guh-guh) means…
Read MoreThe roots of “Please 请” are kind of messy
请 Please qing3 = please The right-hand phonetic 青 is also in the word for“semen”: 精 jing1. This makes sense: the bottom is the moon stand-in…
Read MoreWang ba is a cuckold which is a tortoise
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension – Class 5 – Oct. 4, 2011 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau Notes taken and commentary…
Read MoreBubble Tea – Boba Nai Cha – and the biggest-breasted woman in China
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension – Class 4 – Sept. 27, 2011 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau Notes taken and commentary…
Read MoreWas Chinese simplification a way to make the characters look less like pictures?
Sept. 20, 2011 Class 3 Berkeley Extension 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau (pronounced “Mew”) Notes taken and commentary (marked by“Note:”)…
Read MoreIn Chinese, English, Egyptian, and Hebrew, A Similar Symbol Represents “Tits”
太太 = Mrs. tàitài tai4 tai4 Think about a “Mrs.” at a time of no birth control. These two “tais” represent breasts. “Tài tài”…
Read MoreIt takes sharp eyes 色 to see at night 晚
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension – Class 2 – Sept. 13, 2011 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau (pronounced “Mew”) Email: [email protected]…
Read MoreMandarin Uncensored – Class 1
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension – Class 1 Sept. 6, 2011 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau (pronounced “Mew”) Email: [email protected] Notes…
Read More