Makhmish, Israel (5th-4th Centuries BCE) http://cnes.cla.umn.edu/courses/archaeology/Makhmish/MakhmishFinds.html

ANTIQUITIES ORIENTAL: BABYLON FIGURINE 7TH BCE. Louvre, Departement des Antiquites Orientales, Paris, France. http://www.lessing-photo.com/dispimg.asp?i=08021169+&cr=383&cl=1
“Nar” is the Sumerian word for “musician” 643 times, yet this character looks like a female cat holding up her breast. A musician lulls one. Music soothes the savage beast. In this sense, music is a narcotic. A narcotic makes one sleepy. Narcolepsy is the condition of constantly falling asleep, which is what babies do when they have drunk enough milk from their mothers’ breasts. Babies are very narcissistic. They are frail and needy so they must be narcissists if they are to survive. They cry the moment they are hungry or have any other issue. They demand to be nursed on a constant basis (while their mothers sing to them) until they feel nurtured and nod off. Perhaps “musician” is only a piece of what “nar” is. The above photos are Astarte figurines that also have one arm lifted underneath a breast in a stance similar to the “nar” graphic. (I flipped the one on the right to make it match.). “Nar” is a woman with milk. She’s ready to nurse. What a welcome image that would be to someone dying of thirst in the desert. A piece of this shape—the part without the head of course—is the same shape as the character that the Phoenicians used which eventually became our letter “B.” And also our letter “V.”
Cuneiform and definitions are from http://psd.museum.upenn.edu : “The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary Project is carried out in the Babylonian Section of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology. It is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and private contributions.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]